Welcome! BSA Troop 1888
Fairfax, VA
About Us
BSA troop 1888 is an all girls Unit of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Our troop is chartered by American Legion Post 177, and is located in Fairfax VA.
We meet weekly on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 - 8:30 pm.
What Activates Does Our Troop Do?
-Camping at least once a month -Archery
-Biking -Shooting
-Summer camp -Fishing
- Florida Seabase -Kayaking
-Horseback riding -Swimming
-Climbing -Winter sports
-Cave exploring -Ice skating
What Service projects Does Our Troop Do?
-Flags in/out
-Food banks
-Toys for Tots
-Ashby Pond
-Removing invasive species
-4th of July Parade
What Skills Does Our Troop Work On?
Working Towards a Better Tomorrow
-Fire building
-Outdoor cooking
-First aid
What is Leadership to Us?
Leadership is a vital part of the Scouting program. Scouts in positions of leadership run the troop. They take care of the many tasks necessary for troop and patrol meetings so that activities run smoothly.